Feed Options 

We carry feed for everyone in your backyard flock from baby chicks to mature layers!


Chick Starter Feed:

  • Organic
    • ​Nature's Grown crumble - 40 lbs
    • Prince crumble - 10 lbs
    • Mile Four (local) ground, soy & corn free - 23 lbs
    • Scratch & Peck whole grain, soy & corn free - 40 or 10lbs *by request
  • Conventional
    • ​Prince 20% crumble - 40 lbs
    • Prince 20% crumble, medicated - 40 lbs or 10 lbs

​​Chick Grower Feed:

  • ​​Organic
    • ​Nature's Grown mash - 40 lbs
    • Scratch & Peck whole grain, soy & corn free - 40 lbs​​ or 10 lbs *by request
  • Conventional
    • ​Prince crumble - 50 lbs

​​Adult Layer Feed:

  • Organic
    • ​​Nature's Grown 16% ground/mash - 50 lbs
    • Nature's Grown 16% ground/mash, no soy - ​50 lbs
    • Nature's Grown 18% pellet, no soy - 50 lbs
    • Prince 17% crumble - 50 lbs or 10 lbs
    • Prince 17% mini pellet - 50 lbs or 10 lbs
    • Scratch & Peck whole grain, soy free, w/ corn - 40 lbs
    • Scratch & Peck whole grain, soy & corn free - 40 lbs or 10 lbs
    • Mile Four local whole grain, soy & corn free - 23 lbs
    • Mile Four local pellet, soy & corn free - 23 lbs
  • ​Conventional
    • ​Prince 17% crumble - 40 lbs or 10 lbs
    • ​Prince 17% mini pellet - 40 lbs


Grit- chick, grower or layer - asst sizes and bulk by the pound

Oyster Shell - 4#

PoultryCal- 50# or in bulk by the pound 

Scratch- 23# organic scratch grains, 5# scratch mixes bagged in house

By Request/PreOrder: 50# Whole Seed NON GMO Scratch Mix, Organic Cracked/Whole Corn

We are sometimes able to preorder other kinds of feed if they are available from our supplier. We require prepayment on all special orders. 

chicken feed and chicken keeping supplies

Thank you for stopping by the chicken supplies page! We are your Twin Cities source for feeders, waterers, heating options for chicks or coops, remedies for common ailments and supplements of all kinds. The full list of feed we carry is located further down this page.

We commonly stock egg cartons, chicken enrichment items, ceramic eggs, leg bands, meal worms, grubs, nesting box herbs, sprouting seeds, supplements, treat squares and other treats.  

Wood shaving bedding (fine and coarse), Hemp bedding (shavings or pelletized), Flock Fresh straw bedding and straw bales are also stocked all year. 
For the colder temperatures there are radiant heaters from Sweeter Heater, heated waterers or heated bases, and thermocubes that can turn your heaters on based on air temperatures.

Looking to get started with backyard chickens?  We sell chicks from February through July, and offer chicken-keeping classes at the store in the Spring and sometimes Fall.