We carry the supplies you need for raising baby chicks, available for purchase in-store:

brooder lamp with ceramic base and clamp 

250 watt red heat bulb  

Sweeter Heater brand radiant panel heater

chick feeder base, plastic or galvanized metal 

chick water base, plastic or galvanized metal 

regular mouth quart jars to put onto the feeder and water bases     

chick grit 

Sav-A-Chick electrolytes and probiotics

bedding - pine shavings or hemp

chick starter feed - we carry the following brands of chick starter feed:

       Nature's Grown organic crumble  

       Prince conventional crumble - regular or medicated

       Scratch & Peck organic, whole grain, soy free - *by request

​(40 lbs of chick starter feed lasts 3 chicks approximately 6 weeks, and they will need to eat it for at least 2 months before switching to grower feed.)

If you are unsure what to get, we offer a convenient chick starter bundle which

includes the following basic supplies:

​1  brooder lamp, with a ceramic base
1  250 watt red heat bulb
1 chick feeder base, galvanized 
1 chick water base, plastic 
2 regular mouth quart jars, glass, to put onto the feeder and water bases

​1 book - Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens

1 2 lb bag of chick grit

1 Indoor/outdoor thermometer

The bundle does not include feed or bedding.

Here is a Chick Care Sheet to help start your planning. Call us with any questions at 651-645-0818 or check our Chicken FAQ!

Baby chick supplies