Light Brahma
Size: 7-8 lbs  

Egg: Medium, Brown, approx. 200/year 

Cost: $9.50

​​Sex-link. A breed whose exact genetic makeup is a closely guarded secret, these chickens are almost certainly guaranteed to be hens which makes them one of our most popular breeds! Well-known for being friendly and easy to care for as well as extremely productive with beautiful copper colored feathers.

​*Sold out for February 27th, March 6th, March 13th, and unavailable from May 15th to July 17th

Excellent brown egg layers with unique blue-gray plumage, these hens are great foragers and are very alert when out in the yard. They have a friendly, calm temperament and are quiet. They are cold and heat hardy, and will keep laying eggs even into the winter months.

*Sold out for February 27th, March 6th​​

Rhode Island Red

Size:  6 - 7 lbs  

Egg: Large, Brown, approx. 265/year 

Cost: $8.50

​Sex-link. Derived from the ISA genetic line. All-around good layers (even in the winter) with an excellent temperament, cold-hardy and heat tolerant, as well as great foragers. Feathers are mainly white with bits of red or amber. A docile and mellow chicken.

*Sold out for March 6th, March 13th, March 20th, April 3rd

Beautiful black and deep brown plumage, typically with feathered feet. A calm, friendly chicken known to perform well in any climate. They lay the darkest brown egg of any of the breeds we carry!

*Sold out for February 27th

Buff Cochin - New for 2025!

Size:  8.5 lbs

Egg: Medium, brown, approx. 175/year

​Cost: $10.50

​​​Barred Rock

Size: 5-6 lbs  

Egg: Large, Brown, approx. 250/year 

Cost: $8.50

Typically gold and brown patterned feathers, but can be shades of gray, white or black. An active bird with a small pea comb, these birds are a very popular choice for the color of their eggs which can range from turquoise to olive to light pink. Docile, friendly chicken.

*Sold out for February 27th

breeds available 2025

Heritage breed. The Rhode Island Red’s amazing ability to lay about 265 eggs a year made it famous worldwide and it is the parent of several modern hybrid egg layers. These glossy mahogany-colored hens with black tail feathers are as beautiful as they are gentle and productive.

*Sold out for February 27th and March 6th

ISA Brown/​​​Gold Star 

Size: 5 lbs  

Egg: Large, Brown, approx. 320/year 

Cost: $8.50

Auto-sexing. A cross between the Welsummer and Barred Rock.​ Docile birds, good egg layers, and a great choice for dark brown eggs. Heat and cold hardy.

Auto-sexing. The most popular auto-sexing chicken in the world! Plumage is a mix of cream shades overlaid with faint black barring and they have a small crest behind the comb. Prolific layer of medium eggs that range from light blue to a light turquoise. Active and hardy chicken.

*Sold out for February 27th, March 6th

​Buff Orpington 

Size: 6 - 8 lbs  

Egg: Medium, Brown, approx. 220/year 

Cost: $8.50

​Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte - New for 2025!
Size: 6-7 lbs  

Egg: Medium, Cream, approx. 200/year

Cost: $10.50

Heritage breed. One of the oldest known chicken breeds, mahogany feathers with black, blue, and white speckles which become more pronounced with age. A beautiful, docile, friendly, and gentle chicken. Heat and cold hardy.

*Sold out for February 27th, March 6th, March 13th​


​​Amberlink ​​

Size: 5 - 6 lbs

Egg: Large, brown, approx. 300/yr

Cost: $8.50

​​​​​Speckled Sussex
Size: 7 - 8 lbs  

Egg: Medium, Cream, approx. 240/year 

Cost: $9.50

​​Americana/Easter Egger

Size: 4.5 - 5 lbs  

Egg: Medium, Light blue, green, or pinkish-brown, approx. 240/year  

Cost: $9.50

Lavender Orpington 

Size: 7-8 lbs.

Egg:  Medium, Brown, approx. 220/year

​Cost: $15.50

Welbar - New for 2025!

Size: 5-6 lbs

Egg: Large, Dark Brown, appox. 150-200/year

Cost: $15.50

A very large, fluffy chicken with a pea comb and fancy feathered feet and legs that keep them warm in winter. Their docile, gentle, and quiet temperament makes them one of the best breeds around children. This breed stands quite tall, up to 30". Hens sometimes go broody and are attentive mothers.

*Sold out for February 27th, March 6th

A unique breed of chicken with a huge bouffant crest of head feathers and v-shaped comb. Feathers are black on the body with a crest of white feathers on the head. A gentle and active chicken. Heat hardy and slightly cold sensitive.

*Sold out for February 27th, March 13th

Wyandottes are one of the most strikingly beautiful chickens to grace a backyard flock. Developed in New York, they are quiet, easy to manage, and one of the most winter-hardy of all breeds. Feathers are gold with bluish gray lacing around the edge. 

*Sold out for February 27th

Sapphire Gem​​
Size: 6 - 7 lbs  

Egg: Extra-large, Brown, approx. 290/year 

Cost: $10.50

chick orders

Similar to the Buff Orpington, this dual-purpose breed is loved for their productivity and friendly nature. A great choice for first time chicken owners and families with young children. Their light pearl-gray fluffy feathers keep them toasty warm even in frigid winters.

*Sold out for February 27th and March 6th

Heritage breed. They have feathered legs, a docile temperament, and are extremely cold hardy due to their abundant loose fitting plumage. They are well known for their broody instincts and mothering ability.

*Sold out for February 27th, March 6th

Heritage breed. The “Australian Orpington” is a large and docile bird that was originally bred for egg production. Today's Australorps are dual-purpose and well suited to back yard environments. Plumage is pure black with an intense beetle-green sheen that is breathtaking in the sunlight. Cold and heat hardy, docile, energetic.

*Sold out for March 6th and March 13th

Salmon Faverolles 

Size: 4-5 lbs  

Egg: Medium, Light brown, approx. 180/year

​Cost: $10.50

Heritage breed. Named after the English town where they were developed, this classic dual-purpose breed is loved for their productivity and friendly, "golden retriever-like" nature. A great choice for first time chicken owners and families with young children. Quiet birds with fluffy feathers, sometimes broody, cold hardy. 

*Sold out for February 27th, March 20th


White Crested Black Polish

Size: 4 - 5 lbs  

Egg: Small, White, approx. 100/year 

Cost: $12.50 

​​*All of the chicks we receive are sexed female at the hatchery with 90% accuracy

*All of the chicks we receive are vaccinated for Marek's disease. 

We are now taking chick orders for 2025!

**Please note we do not have an order coming on July 3rd

​​From late February until mid-July, we have day-old female chicks for sale. We offer a variety of winter hardy breeds so that our customers can choose the right hens for their needs, whether they're looking for fresh eggs, a fun mix of breeds, a rainbow of egg colors, or all three! We'd love to help you get started with your own backyard flock! 

  • Here is a Chick Care Sheet to help start your planning.
  • See the Baby Chick Supplies page for a list of what you need for raising chicks. 
  • Check out our Chicken FAQ for general chick raising questions.
  • We also offer Backyard Chicken Basics classes in the spring and sometimes fall.
  • Have additional questions? Call us at 651-645-0818 or email us at​​

​​​​​​Cream Legbar   
Size: 5 - 7 lbs  

Egg: Medium, Blue, approx. 280/year

Cost: $15.50

​​Black Australorp 

Size: 5-6 lbs  

Egg: Large, Brown, approx. 250/year 

Cost: $8.50

People own Salmon Faverolles for their silliness and steady egg production. These beauties have a beard, feathered legs, and an extra toe! They are known to be docile and friendly. Heat and cold hardy.

Heritage breed. An all-American breed first introduced in Massachusetts in the mid 19th century, these dual-purpose birds are well-known for their hardiness, calm nature, egg production, and beautiful black and white plumage. 

*Sold out for March 6th

Midnight Majesty Marans

Size: 6 lbs  

Egg: Large, Dark brown, approx. 250/year 

Cost: $10.50

​  How to order:​​​​

  • ​​​Select your chicks from the breeds below.
  • Select a pick-up date (any Thursday from February 27th to July 17th.) We recommend placing your order at least two weeks in advance of your pick-up date. If a chick you want is unavailable for the delivery date you requested, we'll let you know and give you some alternate options. Plan for the chicks to be inside, under a brooder lamp, for about six to eight weeks before they will be ready to live outside. 
  • Send us an e-mail at with your name, phone number, home address, preferred pick-up date, and chick choices.
  • The Department of Animal Health now requires us to keep a record of where the chicks are going in order to track any potential outbreaks of influenza or other illness, but we won't share your address or other information with anyone else. At this time we are unable to sell chicks to South Dakota residents.
  • We will email you an invoice that includes a link to complete payment online. We require all chick orders to be prepaid. 
  • Mark your calendar! Collect your chicks between 10am and 8pm on your designated Thursday pick up day.